Can you even imagine what it would be like if we met now?
What my glass of milky midnight could do to the ice in your igloo?
We’d be like a force field, us against the baddies, Kylo and Ren,
but then, I probably wouldn’t understand that reference.
God, we would fucking ravage each other,
lions, either in combat or copulation.
I can imagine eating you alive this time, instead of the other way around.
I don’t think I’d spit you out though,
I think I’d let you fall apart on your own, safely pillowed on my liver,
and when you were ready I could finally be what you needed.
Thing is, I don’t know what you need now.
I’m older now than you were when we first met
and I think on this footing we’d send the world rotating on a new axis.
But it’s been so long, I don’t even know where your feet live anymore,
and maybe we always knew ice and fire couldn’t co-exist for too long,
like whisky, with just one cube.