Ocean wisdom:

She said,

every day, welcome the world to your heart like a sandy beach,

and every night wash it clean again.

She said,

Let go.

She said, 

You don’t have to worry about pending tsunamis anymore

because you’re not swimming.

You are the waves.

She said,

You’re asking the wrong questions:

It’s not about what you’re supposed to do.

It’s about what you want to do.

I want





I need to find ways within to be wild.

How can I be both wild and secure?

She told me,

The rest of the year is for emptying.

Every day,

Like an ocean shore,

Ask how I can empty the footprints a little more,

release back to the depths a little more,

come clean a little more,

let go a little more.

Forest wisdom:

She sad,

Go Home.

You’re wasting time because you’re scared.

Stop Running.

It’s fucking hard work to burst from a seed.

Regeneration can take years but the forest will sing for the party that you are.

Make space for crickets to dance and birds to sing and trees to wave in celebration.

Make space for the ecosystem you’re about to bring to life. 

Stay calm and proceed.

What must die, dies

in a blaze of knowing.