i spent forever waiting to meet you

the right stranger

when the future was just an abstract concept

and i did everything i was supposed to

and I don’t want to hurt us anymore

but I don’t know how not to

so I think I have to be strong enough

for two people and let us go.

and, here are my well wishes for your journey:

have the best time destroying me,

deconstructing my skeleton, tearing my flesh,

because destruction is a form of creation




and my soul is still raw from the undercurrents

my knuckles are bruised from beating myself

my knees are scarred from all the times I’ve caught the edges

on all the times we met by accident

so maybe the damage has already been done

because i cannot be anything other than what I am

and the devils on my shoulders keep on whispering:

you were made for more than this

and: golden eagles were made to soar

and: you can help build nests for people

but you can’t breathe for them.