Please stop looking at me like that, with your eyes blazing and your aura on fire. You look like Hades or the fire spirit from Frozen. Maybe we should just watch Frozen 2, is that it? Was that the plan all along? Turn me into a Disney fiend and then when the time was ready, show me the way with an ice queen and song covered by Panic! At The Disco?

You’re convoluted, Future Zo, but I like you.

Can I do this?

Am I really still asking that question?

Future Zo, can I do this? 

You reply: You don’t have to do this, you are this.

What do you mean? I need more guidance.

Follow your heart, follow the flames, trust the process, build it and they will come.

Anything else?

They are already here. They have the Zoom link, you’ve just forgotten that you had the waiting room setting on. Let them in. They’re waiting for you.

They’re all waiting for you.