How weird is timing?

I recently re-found a piece of writing I wrote a year after setting off on my Europe trip in 2014. It was… everything. I was 22 and stupid and finally done with my degree and itching out of my skin.

So much of my life changed with that trip. It plays a big role in my book that I promise someday will be in your hands, and it was where I planned big parts of my business that I’m now actioning. 

But I found this bit of writing a few days ago and couldn’t bring myself to read it. I was scared of what memories would come up for me, and thought I might not be able to handle them. I hadn’t read it since writing it over four years ago. 

I finally pulled the trigger, and it all came flooding back, and it was all joy.

It’s fuelling my feels for this next chapter of my life. Setting sail once again, feeling like I’m itching out of my skin again, feeling stupid again.

It has also reminded me how important capturing the ride is. Maybe in another five years I’ll share what happened on this next part of the journey.
